Metagenomic studies are performed on samples that contain a mixture of different microbial species by analyzing the prokaryotic 16S ribosomal RNA gene (16s rRNA gene). PrimBio offers rapid metagenomic sequencing using the Ion GeneStudio S5 sequencer and the Ion 16S Metagenomic Kit. The 16S Kit amplifies specific hypervariable regions of the bacterial rRNA gene using two primer sets: 1) Primer set 1-V2:4-8 2) Primer set 2-V3:7-9. These two primer sets enable robust data collection and identifies different species of bacteria from naturally occurring mixed populations. We use the Ion PGM Hi-Q Kits for templating and sequencing, providing up to 400 bp read length, which can identify more bacterial species with less number of reads. Data analysis is performed with Ion Reporter Software. MicroSEQ™ ID 16S rRNA reference database and Greengenes database are used to identify the bacteria down to genus or species level.
We offer this test to research scientists as well as those individuals interested in knowing about their own commensal microbiota or their pet microbiota. Would you like to confirm the bacteria species present in the probiotics that you are taking? Fill in a Contact Form and we can help to satisfy your curiosities.
We offer this test to research scientists as well as those individuals interested in knowing about their own commensal microbiota or their pet microbiota. Would you like to confirm the bacteria species present in the probiotics that you are taking? Fill in a Contact Form and we can help to satisfy your curiosities.